Thursday, December 11, 2014

How I'm Going to Get my Tonsils Removed

 I'm going to get my tonsils removed soon. I'm a little scared about getting my tonsils removed because I don't like hospitals. I need my tonsils removed because I snore at night. My mom says I snore like a frieght train! The doctors will make me fall asleep so the surgery doesn't hurt. After the surgery is over, I get to eat as much ice cream, milkshakes, and popsicles as I want!
 I'm nervous about getting my tonsils removed, but I can't wait to eat all of that ice cream!


  1. It's alright Sara my dad got his tonsles removed he said he was fine after he got them removed so nothing bad is going to happen you will be fine Sara have a nice time eating ice cream I wish I could eat as much ice cream as I can.

  2. My dad had to got his removed. He was fine after he got them removed! And he said it didn't hurt!! There's no need to worry! Youll be fine!! C:

  3. It's alright Sara my dad got his tonsles removed he said he was fine after he got them removed so nothing bad is going to happen you will be fine Sara have a nice time eating ice cream I wish I could eat as much ice cream as I can.

  4. It's going to be all right all you have to do is have fun.

